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Make the Tip-Of-The-Day (TOTD) modal


Override IDE setting to use Preview tab

Override the parser in a stdafx.h specific to Visual Assist


Package Load Failure

Parse nested preprocessor macros

Prevent Default when Adding Missing Case Statements

Prevent Doxygen tags from being displayed in bold

Prevent Open File in Solution (OFIS) from searching all files under control of a git repo

Prevent Visual Assist from loading

Prevent Visual Studio notification and automatic installation of updates


Re-enable VAssistX entry in menubar

Reload file opened with a file path containing forward slashes

Replace declared type of pointer variable with 'auto'

Resolve a performance problem with Visual Assist

Resolve out-of-memory crashes of Visual Studio

Resolve UI element sizing issues in high-DPI environments

Restore keyboard scheme

Restore old style listbox borders in Vista

Restore Visual Assist toolbar


Run concurrent parser threads of Visual Assist with below-normal priority


Save a minidump file

Set behavior for overwriting text when accepting from a listbox

Set fallback path delimiter for Add Include

Set initial size of suggestion lists

Set location of generated methods

Set opacity of dimmed text in Visual Assist menus

Set preference for reparse after IDE crash

Set preference for start- and end-token filtering

Set the minimum length of a VA Hashtag

Set the number of blank lines between generated implementations

Share VA Snippets among users

Show Unicode or multi-byte characters in source files

Signals and slots not supported with Qt

Specify a location for per-user roaming data

Specify a location of Source Links plug-ins

Specify characters for Surround Selection

Specify platforms in C/C++

Suggest VA Snippets on prefixes of shortcuts

Symbols have the wrong background color

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